I've been recently been nominated for the Liebster blog award by the lovely Laura (loveontop) and Roisin (brutalfashionandbeauty). Yay! Thankyou so much. It means alot considering i'm still new to all this. I've still done Laura and Roisin's questions... all 22... so sorry if it's long winded!
The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming
bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
The meaning of Liebster is German and
means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant,
valued, cute, endearing and welcome.
The Rules:
1. Each person must post 11 things about
2. Answer the questions the
tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to
3. Choose 11 people and link
them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell
5. Remember, no tag
11 things about me:
1. I am a hairdresser
2. I have 3 brothers and a sister
3. I hate doctors and dentists
4. I'm a perfectionist
5. I want to go travelling next year
6. Im a sagittarius
7. I love cats (I have one at my Mums called Mitsy)
8. I've been with my boyfriend 3 years
9. I have 2 tattoos
10. I have my tongue pierced
11. I love reality tv
Laura's Questions:
1. What
first got you into blogging?
I was inspired by other bloggers (Fleurdeforce, EssieButton)
2. Shoes
or handbags?
3. What is
your favourite high street store?
4. How
many times do you shop a month?
Quite a few but usually around the start of the month when i've just been payed. I go crazy!
5. What is
your favourite tv show?
Most recent is Pretty Little Liars. Was addicted!
6. Sale
rails or online sales?
Some sales stress me out, especially when it's like a jumble sale, so probably online sales.
7. What is
the furthest place you have travelled to?
Dominican Republic.
8. What
did/do you study?
I did a hairdressing course in college.
9. What is
your favourite online fashion store?
Don't tend to shop online for clothing. I've got everything i need a 5 minute walk away :) Dangerous!
10. Do you
have any bad habits?
I used to bite my nails..
11. What's
at the top of your wishlist right now?
Mac's Vegas Volt lipstick.
Roisins Questions:
1. What's your wardrobe
My plain black/white Tees.
2. What's you're favourite
album of all times?
I really don't know! Sorry..
3. What's you're favourite
beauty brand?
Mac. That's what i have the most of.
4. If you could go on
holiday anywhere, where would you go (no round the world cheatings here)?
New York.
5. What superpower would you
Invisibility powers! haha
6. What's you're favourite
makeup item (e.g blusher, eyeliner etc)?
7. Cats or dogs?
8. Who is your favourite
Ah there's so many.. possibly Fleurdeforce.
9. What's your dream
To do behind the scenes hair & makeup for tv.
10. What's you're favourite
Recently, Thai Chilli Rice crackers from Holland & Barrett. They're amazing!
11. What's you're favourite
colour nail varnish?
Probably pinks. There's so many different shades to go for.
My 11 Questions:
1. Books or magazines?
2. Burger King or McDonalds?
3. What's a staple in your makeup collection?
4. Iphone or BlackBerry?
5. What's your favourite Disney movie?
6. Tea or coffee?
7. Summer or winter?
8. Who is your favourite blogger?
9. Do you have any tattoos?
10. What do you do as a job/ what do you study?
11. Wedges or flip flops?
My Nominations:
(she's only just got 200 followers but i love her blog so had to nominate her)
(I know i've bent the rules and only nominated 5.. Sorry)